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  1. C

    my first 12g nano reef

    thanks! my second project would be perfect!!! cuz im learnning all the mistake i did for the first nano tank! reefman thanks for the tip reefman!
  2. C

    12 G Nano Tank by Cube Masters

    hey, i got the cube master tank also, its kinda cheap , but this is my very first nano tank. but cube master only carry an 8watt lights system 3xbulbs. not good at all but you would have to go buy a new lighting system if you decide to get cube master but other then that i would go get the aqua...
  3. C

    my first 12g nano reef

    im starting off an new nano tank system. currently it's been up 2 month, and 1 week so far. i barely got mostly of the live rocks n corals at the warehouse store, becuz i didnt want to go to retail store and pay twice or even 3x more then the direct warehouse place. but most of the stuff i got...