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  1. reef_addict

    CPR AquaFuge PRO

    Well they sell on ebay for around 115.00 with a 75 watt light. I was looking at the fact that it has room for the the protent skimmer and bio-balls and anything else you need in their own compartment.
  2. reef_addict

    CPR AquaFuge PRO

    has anyone tried to use a refugium as a nano tank? If you slow it down a bit and don't mind it looking a little industrial wouldn't it work? Just an idea I had. -Brian
  3. reef_addict

    nano tank filtration

    Is anyone running a tank without a filter of any kind? Are you doing just water changes?(daily/weekly/bi-weekly?) How long as the tank been running? Has anyone tried and failed? How big is the tank? I've also read that protein skimmers tend to remove more good...
  4. reef_addict

    not new but, just an observation

    I've been keeping aquariums from the age of 5 and now I'm soon to be 36. For about 10 years in the 90's I kept a combo of fresh and salt tanks. Back then It seemed that everything in salt would die. I had a long nosed butterfly that lived almost 2 years and that was considered a big deal. IF you...