Search results

  1. reef_addict

    Nitrates are still up..what can I do?

    It looks like my tank has cycled. Its been almost 4 weeks and everthing has peaked and dropped off except the nitrates. They are staying around 15 ppm. The Nitrates did go over 160 ppm and dropped down. I've read that this could be an issue with the fact I'm not running any fitration. Should I...
  2. reef_addict

    cycling my new tank

    I just tested my water again and the ammonia is up between .25ppm and .50ppm The Nitrites are above .5ppm (test kit doesn't go past .5ppm) The Nitrates are way over 160 ppm(again test kit doesn't go past 160ppm) This sound ok? BTW the water is start to get a bit funky and a slight...
  3. reef_addict

    Clean up crew packages...

    Does anyone know of a online aquarium clean up crews for 10gal tanks? I've noticed that places will sell packages for larger tanks but, I haven't found any that do the same for nanos. Maybe I haven't look closely enough.
  4. reef_addict

    cycling my new tank

    Nitrites are 10 ppm Nitrates are 5 ppm
  5. reef_addict

    cycling my new tank

    YES YES YES !!! Ammonia has dropped to 0 ppm and everything else looks like it starting to follow. So cool, I can't tell you how good it is to have a tank cycle so cleanly. Back in the day( 15 yrs ago) just to get the thing to cycle at all was hard to do. -B
  6. reef_addict

    cycling my new tank

    its been about 17 days since I started the tank...this time lastweek everything hit the roof and they haven't moved since. I'm starting to get a little worried. The Ammonia is still off the chart and this has been like this 2 or 3 days after I add the LR. The only thing I've seen move is...
  7. reef_addict

    tank cycling and I need to top off

    I wasn't never really sure about that and in a large tank you can go the cycling process without have to make up for evaporation. Cool, thanks!!
  8. reef_addict

    tank cycling and I need to top off

    My tank has been cycling for a week now and I really need to top it off. Everything I've been testing is really high so I assume that the cycle is going ok and I don't want to mess with it if I can help it. -Brian
  9. reef_addict

    cycling my new tank

    I only run them for about 4 hours a day right now And I've been using a powerhead to clean the LR off .....Thanks :maitre
  10. reef_addict

    cycling my new tank

    Also, If someone can LR, sand and tank is being covered in a real dark Brown agae..Is this normal this early? -Brian
  11. reef_addict

    cycling my new tank

    Cool....I'm not trying to rush it, I just want it to go right! Thanks
  12. reef_addict

    cycling my new tank

    Yes, it stays a yellow at 0ppm seems that the day after I put the LR in it jumped to where it is now and hasn't moved.....I've cycle large tanks 55, 75, 90 gals but never anything this small... I maybe jumping the gun, expecting a shorter cycle with the cured LR and small tank.
  13. reef_addict

    cycling my new tank

    Its been awhile since I've had to cycle a salt tank and I'm wondering how its going so far. I just put 15lbs of cured LR into my 10 on Friday lastweek. I've been testing the water My ammonia levels should been some shade of green, dark being the worst. Mine is Blue! I'm assuming that this is...
  14. reef_addict

    using a pendent in a hood

    I have a 14k(175w) bulb in it now. I just didn't want to run too little light on the tank. But, if I can just use the pendent w/o the PC lights that would be fine. -Brian
  15. reef_addict

    using a pendent in a hood

    Hi all, I was just wondering if anyone has ever taken a pendent MH apart and retro'ed it into a hood? I have a 37" x 18" x 13" tank that I want to use my 175 MH and 2x96 pc. But I cant get a configuration that will allow the Mh to cover the whole top of the tank without the pc's getting...
  16. reef_addict

    nano tank filtration

    What would be the largest tank you would run without a filter? I was given a 29g with oak stand and hood. I have a 150g wet/dry on it that has been setup freshwater for my son. After moving this fall my wife said we should put it in the living room and set it up as a reef tank. I will most...
  17. reef_addict

    MH magnetic ballast

    I knew better then to mount the ballast in the hood. But, I didn't know they got that hot. I will just go with an electronic.
  18. reef_addict

    MH magnetic ballast

    I'm working on a DIY 29g. I found a 175w MH magnetic ballast fixture and I was going to try and fit it into my oak hood I have PC that I will run along with the MH. The question I have is what type of bulb can I put in it. I mean I've read some stuff about pulse bulbs or something like that. I...
  19. reef_addict

    light fixtures

    I keep find these light odyssea compact light fixtures on ebay. My issue is that they sell the a 48" two 65W bulb 12000K & two 65W bulb actinic a total of 260W w/fans for around 90.00 with shipping then they sell a 30" 2 bulb 130w wo/fans for around 75.00 w/shipping. Now, what is preventing me...
  20. reef_addict

    nano tank filtration

    I understand the use and need for a skimmer. I've been reading about nano setups and it seems that a lot of them are setup without filters/skimmers. I was just trying to figure out if beause of the amount of water changes the tanks just don't need any filtration or due to the amount of "life" in...