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  1. P

    How do I add a second fan to an AP24?

    Hi Everyone, So the AquaPod 24 only comes with one fan, but there is a space for another. The problem is... Where do you plug it in? I've got a new fan plugged into the original slot and it's ready, but I can't find a place to plug in the cord for the second fan. Has anyone tried this? Does...
  2. P

    A lot of advice needed please...

    Thanks! Some live rock in the back along with a spong, some filter floss, and ChemiPure.
  3. P

    A lot of advice needed please...

    Thanks for the suggestion, unfortunately it's too late. Last night he died. :( I will try again this weekend, will try from a different store. Thanks everyone for trying to help.
  4. P

    A lot of advice needed please...

    So in addition to everything else I tried live brine shrimp and even Cyclop-eeze with no luck... Unfortunately my little clown is dying... He has lost his color and is drifting around on the bottom of the tank. sad.gif Thanks to everyone who tried to help, I really appreciate it...
  5. P

    A lot of advice needed please...

    Thanks! Here are a couple of updated pics.
  6. P

    A lot of advice needed please...

    Sure, here is a picture of it when I first set it up. I will have to take a more recent one so you can see what it looks like now...
  7. P

    A lot of advice needed please...

    So, I'm a bit less worried about the Clown now. He's come out of his corner of the tank and is swimming around a bit, so maybe he is just getting used to the tank. Also, he poops a lot, so he must be eating something (not sure how long their digestive track is). Is it possible he's eating pods...
  8. P

    A lot of advice needed please...

    Sorry I didn't post what my clean up crew actually consists of... 6 astraes 2 nassarius 2 margaritas 2 turbos 1 electric blue hermit 1 red hermit
  9. P

    A lot of advice needed please...

    So my tank is through it's cycle, diatom bloom, diatom bloom cleaned up by clean up crew, and now has it's first fish, (Perc Clown - tank raised) which I got this weekend. Everything seems to be going well so far, water parameters are: PH 8.2 Ammonia 0 Nitrites 0 Nitrates 0 Phosphate...