Search results

  1. skipm

    Peppermint w/ eggs

    :welcome to the board! What all is in the tank with the shrimp? Any fish or other inverts? It is possible to raise peppermint shrimp in the home aquarium. I would try to get a copy of "How to Raise and Train Your Peppermint Shrimp" by April Kirkendoll. The book is not real long but is...
  2. skipm

    Please Help With Clean Up Crew!

    The porcelin crab is a fine addition but it is a filter feeder and not a cleaner. I would add it after you have some other fish and inverts in the tank.
  3. skipm

    Newbie books?

    I agree, I love Fenners book. I also like The Natural Reef Aquarium by John Tullock. Both of these books are must haves IMO.
  4. skipm

    Live Rock, Sludge and Worms?

    If the smell gets too bad you can do a aprtial water change but this will prolong your cycle. It is better to leave things to run their course if possible.
  5. skipm

    IT'S A BOY...AND A GIRL....AND A BOY....AND A GIRL...!!!!!!

    It is very common for cleaner and peppermint shrimp to spawn in the aquarium but as you have seen the offspring usually end up as a tasty treat for the tanks inhabitants.
  6. skipm

    Happy Birthday

    Happy Birthday Jay!!
  7. skipm

    Live Rock, Sludge and Worms?

    It sounds like you have a bunch of bristleworms, these are harmless scavengers that feed off of leftovers in the tank. I would leave them alone unless you find you have the large ones that grow over 6 inches long and then I would probably pull them out of a nano.
  8. skipm

    Has anyone made 'legs' for Coralife 18W 9"

    You could also cut a pair of wooden legs for the ends and screw them to a piece of plexiglass the same way. You would need a piece of acrylic as long as the tank and then screw the wood to the ends. I would think the acrylic alone would look cleaner though.
  9. skipm

    New 10 Gallon: Questions

    I would go with 4 or 5 blue legged hermits. As for the shrimp what kind are you talking about? If you mean like peppermints or cleaners then one or two would be fine. I find that with cleaner shrimp and others with long antennae they do better singly in small tanks. Others like sexy shrimp...
  10. skipm

    IT's a Good Day!

    If you are still planning on an anemone or higher light corals like SPSs then I would stick with the 150 wat MH, otherwise the 70 you asked about would be a great addition. If the corals you plan on are not as light demanding then you could opt for using just PCs to light the tank. Decide for...
  11. skipm

    shrimp at night with moon light on

    Do you have any shrimp in the tank that could have had babies? Otherwise I would suspect mysis shrimp or some kind of pod, either of which is a good sign.
  12. skipm

    Has anyone made 'legs' for Coralife 18W 9"

    You could take a piece of acrylic that is as wide as the tank but longer and heat it and bend the ends so that they rest on the frame of the tank only on the ends and then place the light on top of this, the acrylic would be kinda like an arch or upsidedown U if you can picture what I am talking...
  13. skipm

    New 10 Gallon: Questions

    All living things added to the tank add to the bioload but the good news is that inverts like your cleaners and corals have a much smaller impact than fish do. I like to start with a smallish cleaning crew and add to it as necessary, this way none of the cleaners ends up starving due to...
  14. skipm

    Water changes--real vs nominal tank volume

    Keeping track of your tanks parameters will help you decide if you are changing enough water or often enough. If you see rising nitrates then you need more frequent or larger water changes.
  15. skipm

    IT's a Good Day!

    Is there any way that you can use a MH pendant for lighting the tank? If there is then you have no problems at all other than deciding which bulb to use. I would personally opt for a 150 watt HQI MH, supplemntal PCs would be a nice addition but you can get by without them by going with a...
  16. skipm


    The corals look great and I agree that the white tips are just new coral growth.
  17. skipm

    29 gallon Biocube (protein skimmer vs refug)

    You just have to rinse the sponges well at least once a week to help keep them from becoming nitrate factories. All of the sponges used need to be rinsed no matter how many or where they are in the chambers.
  18. skipm

    rics appear to be getting smaller

    My first thought is that the light they are getting isn't enough to supply all of their nutritional needs, do you ever target feed them?
  19. skipm

    Water changes--real vs nominal tank volume

    I now of a very successful reefer (and author) that does as close to 100% water changes as possible. He leaves just enough water in the bottom of the tank for the fish to splash in until he can add the new water to the tank. I just go with whatever is comfortable to mix, if I were using a 2...
  20. skipm

    New to setting up a 12g Aqua Pod

    :welcome to the board!!!!!!! Like mentioned take out the biorings and balls and use a single (or even just a part of one) sponge and clean it at least weekly, more often if necessary. As far as other mods goes, that will depend on what you are wanting to put in the tank. In fact if this is...