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  1. skipm

    12g Nano Cube from across the pond

    Thank you for sharing. What kind of LED system is that you are using for lighting your refugium? What is it originally made for? Your tank looks great and You have some really coralline covered LR. I had always heard it was hard to get decent LR in Europe but I guess that the people that...
  2. skipm

    chamber is so small...what pump will fit?

    Steve, he has the original Nanocube that has 4 chambners instead of 3 like the newer models.
  3. skipm

    lets play - show off your favorite

    That looks fantastic, I have never seen a cap that had color that brilliant. I'll have to see if I can dig something up to post here.
  4. skipm

    JBJ Digi-Lab....

    I have one and like it very much. I wear glasses and that makes it hard to accurately read a refractometer so this is much easier for me. I have been told by someone else that if you don't take proper care of the electrodes (clean them after use and then dry them) they will corrode and ruin...
  5. skipm

    New to Nanotank - my 25 gal

    :welcome to the board. I can't see the pic either.
  6. skipm

    Yellow Head Jaw Fish

    I can't get over the color, especially in the second set of pics you posted.
  7. skipm

    chamber is so small...what pump will fit?

    Thats right, you should be able to utilize the hose thats already there. With a 606 you get about 150 gph of flow.
  8. skipm

    chamber is so small...what pump will fit?

    :welcome to the board. The most widely used pumps are MiniJet 606's. There have been a few people that used one of the smaller Rios but I am not sure of the model #.
  9. skipm

    Rock, Paper, Bud Light

    I saw that one in a link too. I am not a big fan of commercials but it was a new twist at least.
  10. skipm

    Is my clown sleeping or not well?

    It sounds like he must be sleeping. I would wait to feed the tank until he decides to be more active later in the day.
  11. skipm

    Pet Store Receives a Shipment of Tattooed Fish

    I agree, don't support this by purchasing them.
  12. skipm

    Yellow Head Jaw Fish

    Good looking fish and great pic.
  13. skipm

    Acanthopleura sp.

    They are a somewhat common hitchhiker, I have had a few and they never posed any problems for me. I am always up for free cleaners.
  14. skipm

    Peppermint w/ eggs

    You may have a few make it that way but if you want to raise them then I would read the book I mentioned. Alternatively you could just allow them to hatch out and take their chances, the corals and other tank inhabitants really appreciate the fresh food when they hatch out.
  15. skipm

    Good cleaning crew for 12G AP?

    Another thing to consider is that if the tank is still cycling there is no need to have any lights on, additional light makes algae grow faster. This is especially true in the increased nutrient enviorment you have during cycling.
  16. skipm


    You should also try to match the waters pH as well as the salinity and temp. Then just add it back as slow as necessary to prevent stirring up your substrate.
  17. skipm

    Is my clown sleeping or not well?

    I agree, not normal. Check things like your temp and parameters. I would also make sure that you have good water movement at the surface so there is good oxygen exchange.
  18. skipm

    Red Branch-Like Worm???

    It makes me think of a mutated bristleworm, I have never seen anything quite like it.
  19. skipm

    Bye Bye Chromis?

    I agree, there should be noadverse affects from removing the chromis. Good luck in catching them.
  20. skipm

    hello, guys

    :welcome to the board and thank you. We look forward to hearing more from you and getting details about your tank.