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  1. skipm

    Nano 12g filter

    Rinsing in old tank water works great and it should be cleaned at least weekly.
  2. skipm


    I can't really tell either due to the lack of clarity in the pic.
  3. skipm

    Air Bubbles are bad but sometimes needed?

    I think the reason co2 systems work is due to co2 having somewhat diferent properties than oxygen. There may be a tiny exchange of oxygen in the water but the majority by far occurs at the surface.
  4. skipm

    Help...tank shattered.

    I don't think that will have to much to worry about as far as a cycle as long as your LR wasn't exposed to air for long. I doubt that you will see the goby or shrimp for a few days due to the stress of the sudden move.
  5. skipm

    Air Bubbles are bad but sometimes needed?

    The air bubbles don't really do anything for the aquarium, all of the gas exchange (the addition of oxygen) takes place at the waters surface so any king of surface agitation will help promote gas exchange. Lareg air bubbles don't really hurt anything but tiny micro bubbles are a pain since...
  6. skipm

    Old dog asking for new tricks...

    :welcome to the board first off. Since you are planning a 3 gallon tank I would go with a 1 fish max, something like a small shrimp goby with its partner pistol shrimp or a clown goby would be good choices. You could also add one or two inverts like sexy shrimp, peppermint shrimp, etc. to have...
  7. skipm

    Whens the next contest

    :welcome to the board callaro!
  8. skipm

    Starfish and the Nano

    If you are talking about pretty plain looking off white stars they are probably asterina stars, as long as they stay on the glass they are harmless and will not populate more than there is algae on the glass to support. There is a variety of asterinas that eat corals so if you find them on your...
  9. skipm

    The Chronicles of My Box of Water.....My BioCube 14

    Alot of aquascaping is up to your tastes and breaking up some LR is almost a must in order to get pieces that fit the way you want them to. It looks like your off to a great start though.
  10. skipm


    Since you said the coral was new I would suspect that the sponges may have been exposed to air at some point which kills them due to air trapped inside of their tissues, I think the hermits may be cleaning the dead sponge material away.
  11. skipm

    Viper problems?

    I know there were some issues with the first generation of the Vipers but from what I understand there is a second generation out now where they have dealt with the problems. Check these out to see what I am talking about, 70 watt: ... cts_id=223 and 150...
  12. skipm


    I have never heard of hermits eating coralline before either.
  13. skipm

    Recovery Almost Complete!!!

    I am happy to hear that there is some good finally coming about from your misfortune. Keep the updates coming, its good to hear about things looking up again.
  14. skipm

    New BC 29 set-up

    If I remember correctly the purified seawater has a SG of 1.027 right out of the jug. Since you just set the tank up and it is cycling I think you would be okay to leaver the water like it is and adjust the salinity back to where you want it when you do your first water change. You will have...
  15. skipm

    RED SEA MAX 34 VS. JBJ 28 150 HQ

    That is a hard question for me to answer because I have been in the hobby for a long time and plan my tanks according to what I want to put in them. If you were to go with a MH on the tank then you would be able to keep about anything that you may decide you want including SPS corals and clams...
  16. skipm

    Brandon's 20 Gallon Long Prop

    I really like it.
  17. skipm

    Millions of dust like swimmers!!

    Its pretty hard to say what you are seeing. There could be lots of different things that have a larval stage that could be swimming around in your tank. Most of them would be eaten fairly quickly once some fish are added to the tank.
  18. skipm

    New BC 29 set-up

    First of all :welcome to the board. You do not need to have a protien skimmer in a nano tank unless you want one, the weekly (best) or bi-weekly (okay as long as you don't overstock and keep an eye on things) waterchanges is enough to keep your water parameters in check. The use of LR rubble...
  19. skipm

    RED SEA MAX 34 VS. JBJ 28 150 HQ

    Both tanks are pretty new on the scene and from what I recently heard the RedSea isn't even available yet. IMO which tank would be best for you depends on what you want to keep in it. The RedSea has PC lighting from what I have seen which is good for zoos, softies, some LPS corals, etc. If...
  20. skipm

    Please Help With Clean Up Crew!

    Most of these are available at most LFS. The different snails and hermits are not that rare and if your LFS doesn't stock them they can usually order them in with no problem. If you really want to oreder on-line most of the e-tailers also stock these species.