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  1. skipm

    Monster catfish!

    That is one big fish, I don't think I would want to hook into him.
  2. skipm

    Pictures of the 28 gallon JBJ HQI!!!!!!

    Looks pretty good.
  3. skipm

    PFO 14 inch 20000K Solaris LED Lighting Fixture

    I would also be interestd in finding an alternative for LED lighting, the price of the fixtures on the market right now excludes me from ever trying them.
  4. skipm

    Nano of the month

    Its nice to see a nano as the feature tank, it seems like the bigger the tank the more likely it will appear in a tank of the month article.
  5. skipm

    Me and my 24g nanocube coming from

    :welcome to the board, we look forward to hearing more about your tank.
  6. skipm

    RESCUE 911!!!

    Talking about being in the right place at the right time!
  7. skipm


    MARSH is a reef club in the Houston, TX area.
  8. skipm

    Green Chromi

    I would say it is stress related, possibly even a few scrapes from tryting to get away from the bullying damsel.
  9. skipm

    making my own sump w/fuge

    Any place that the water has to flow through it is a good place. Since all it will absorb isn't the kind of stuff used to feed your refugium you can place it anyplace in the sump. I usually place carbon near the sumps incoming water but after the refugium would be fine as well.
  10. skipm

    6 legged starfish

    Thats an asterina star, they are pretty common hitchhikers that have anywhere from 3-7 legs. There is a similar variety that eats some corals but the ones that usually find their way into our tanks are the ones that stay on the glass and help keep algae clear on the glass.
  11. skipm

    Goby and Shrimp...question about location

    Since they are not a pair this is probably a useless point but IME they move the entrance to their burrow as they please. My yellow watchman and pistol pair moved all over my 75 reef, making tunnels all over the place.
  12. skipm

    [BioCube 14] - 1 week - Small CUC Safe Now?

    I would probably give it at least another week and then if the ammonia and nitrite levels stay at zero then I would go ahead with the cleaners.
  13. skipm

    Hi all - small lighting question

    You could keep some of the low light corals but you could keep most soft corals without problem if you were to add a second bulb of the same kind. BTW, :welcome to the board!
  14. skipm

    Glue question

    :welcome to the board! I haven't tried it myself but I know of people that actually used the glue underwater (as in put the tube under the water to apply the glue) and they said they had no problems at all other than you use a bit more glue this way. You still have to be careful of your...
  15. skipm

    all goby or blenny tank?

    I have heard of people doing an all goby tank but it held only a couple of fish since it was much smaller than the tank you describe. I would think it would be an interesting project and you could even end up with some of the gobies attempting to breed.
  16. skipm

    fuge lighting

    The light you have should be okay but alot of people use an inexpensive clamp on light with a compact fluorescent bulb in the 5,000-6,700k range.
  17. skipm

    Any suggestions for me befome I start building my Nano?

    Sounds like you have things pretty well planned out. One place you may look for acrylic is . The 1/4" is plenty thick enough as long as you brace the top of the tank with something like a frame. IMO this should be done with any kind of acrylic tank since it is easier for...
  18. skipm

    Hermit Heaven

    He is definately getting to the meat of the matter.
  19. skipm

    New Tank

    :welcome to the board and I also agree that the JBJ is the best choice out of the three.
  20. skipm

    Skimmer intake depth

    I think that reefman5511 has hit the nail on the head. In the case of a HOT skimmer you would want it to be skimming the surface of the water to get rid of the film that accumulates there. In the case of an in sump model the surface skimming has already been taken care of by the overflow that...