Search results

  1. skipm

    2.5gal Critter Tank!

    If you don't have enough algae you can feed a herbivore food (I like pellet for this) or some nori to keep them going, just closely watch that you don't overfeed.
  2. skipm

    New to the forum and new pico

    Salt does not evaporate so you need to top up with fresh RO water and not saltwater. After topping off on a tank this small I would do a weekly to bi-weekly water change of about 10%. Getting premixed saltwater from your LFS is fine for water changes, just match temp. prior to changing.
  3. skipm

    my 125ltr reef

    Looks pretty good but in time your tank will be too small for the tang.
  4. skipm

    JBJ Nano Cube 28g and Remora Skimmer

    You would have to take the canopy off of the tank to use a Remora (the regular or the nano model). With the hood off its just a matter of deciding where you want to put it and where the skimmers feed pump will fit.
  5. skipm

    What is the pros and cons of the Biocube HQI

    The biggest problem with any AIO tank with HQI lighting is heat, it is almost guaranteed to need a chiller which of course means added expense which is part of the reason to go nano.
  6. skipm

    Another mystery guest help...

    They are generally harmless but they can grow to plague proportions. If you get lots of them you can add bumble bee or bongo shrimp to your tank,they feed off of them.
  7. skipm

    a breeding forum

    a breeding forum
  8. skipm

    An "Introduce yourself" or greetings forum

    An "Introduce yourself" or greetings forum
  9. skipm


    They do spawn in the aquarium but the biggest problems are predation like already mentioned and feeding them food that they will/can eat. Most fry are difficult to get to eat food that is not live, food that is small enough and has a high enough nutrition is also difficult. For more breeding...
  10. skipm

    Panda goby?

    I know this is an old post but think it deserves an answer. I have kept clown gobies in the past and plan on adding them to a new build with the possible attempt at breeding them. Their care requirements are basically the same as the other clown gobies (black, yellow, green). They are not as...
  11. skipm

    Invert section

    Invert section
  12. skipm

    Anyone ever use Magic Eraser for Nano Tank cleaning?

    I recently saw the same thing on a you tube video. He used a mandolin to slice the magic eraser into thin sheets to make it last longer. I have used them before for other cleaning chores and haven't found any trace of chemicals, it just seems like a really fine pored sponge.
  13. skipm

    What's the most annoying/weirdest stowaway you've found in your tank?

    I found a stowaway crab one time, I knew he was a baddie because he was hairy and his claws were made for shredding meat. He was about as big around as a silver dollar when I discovered him. His appearance was similar to an emerald crab in shape and appearance with the previously mentioned...
  14. skipm

    Memorial Day

    I just hung out around the house with my schnauzer.
  15. skipm

    Memorial Day

    I want to wish everyone a safe and happy Memorial Day.
  16. skipm

    Ages? Occupation? Pics?

    I am 53, retired and single.
  17. skipm

    Coralife LED 32 Aquarium

    Don't think I'll have to worry too much about being in it neck deep, a spinal injury is what caused me and the hobby to part ways. Nanos are pretty much the only chance I have on getting back into things. For now I have decided to use some of the equipment I already have. I have a 6 gal JBJ...
  18. skipm

    Coralife LED 32 Aquarium

    I am thinking of setting one of these up after being out of the hobby for some time. Looking for opinions, suggestions, etc. Thanks in advance, Skip
  19. skipm

    Cube Ballasts versus converted ballast from home bulbs

    They use the core and coil ballasts because they are cheaper. An electronic ballast is more efficient, uses less electricity and generates less heat. They also usually give you a longer bulb life. You can replace the original ballasts but if you do I recommend placing the external to the...
  20. skipm

    What Nano Cube to Buy?

    JBJ was the first to introduce cube shaped nanotanks so they have had plenty of time to make changes to their design. I have 2 JBJ Nanocubes (a 6 and a 12) and like them both. IMO the Red Sea costs too much and I am not that familiar with the Orca. As DJ pointed out already you may need to...