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  1. K

    Very new, so please excuse the dumb questions in advance...

    Sumps. I haven't read this yet however it will probably help answer any questions that Ritsuko didn't. Even though she is so thorough. ... /index.php
  2. K

    Found new local reef store...

    That's awesome man. sounds too good to be true.
  3. K

    ASM Mini-G

    Have you considered building one? Go check out the DIY forum at RC. So many different ideas that are pretty easy.
  4. K

    Cris' 60

    Well I'm very sad to announce that my female watanabe jumped ship yesterday. She decided life wasn't worth it. Came home and couldn't find her anyway and all my other fish were hiding and acting really nervous. I lifted the hood and she was sitting on top of the cross brace all dried out...
  5. K

    Very new, so please excuse the dumb questions in advance...

    I'd say start out with out a sump. Just learning and getting everything figured out is hard enough with out having to deal with that extra headache. I'd say keep your options open when setting up so you can add it in the future if you chose, but start off simple. Good luck.
  6. K

    ASM Mini-G

    phischy..... Let us know what you go with. Have you considered building one? I think eventually I'm going to give it a try. The concepts are pretty basic as long as you follow the basics. I'm saying that ofcourse with out ever having attempted it. Eric, I bought a little pump a while...
  7. K

    Unconvinced - could use an experienced opinion

    the filtration is fine. Lots of water changes help with that. The lighting is pretty week on those tanks. If you want to be serious about the corals that you keep I would reccomend the Delux canopy as the absolute minimum. Check out Jesse's new 12 gallon thread in the 20 and under forum...
  8. K

    Ready to start reef tank, advice needed

    oh yeah... set a side time and money for your woman. Try to get her involved and interested. Otherwise it will be a constant battle and ultimately the fish and the kids are the ones who suffer the most.
  9. K

    Ready to start reef tank, advice needed

    A lot of this hobby is learning the hard way. You try to learn as much as you can, but experience is really the best way to get a real grasp on things. Just keep reading...... If you can try to figure out what you want to put in the tank before you start throwing a bunch of random stuff ie...
  10. K

    Christel Mei's 37 gal In wall mixed SPS/Zoa reef!

    considering you can look through this tank I'd have to say that's either Christel or a friend of hers. Let's not be dirty, drty..... :pom :fu :langle :harp :gne :angnot: :whist: just kidding man.
  11. K

    ASM Mini-G

    I've been researching for mods because I hear so many people talking about moding the ASM's but it's hard to find any specifics. First time I've heard of either of these two. Have you thought about doing a mesh mod? I think I'll drill out my venturi as well. That's a great idea. Do you...
  12. K

    Christel Mei's 37 gal In wall mixed SPS/Zoa reef!

    is a tank ever really finished? :D :welcome to Nanotank. Looks like a very nice setup. Nice job on the pics too.
  13. K

    ASM Mini-G

    I have one. What size tank are you going to put it on? I've done a lot of research on DIY skimmers lately and I'm not overwhelmed with it's skimate production compared to what most people expect to get. I just did a recirc mod and I'm looking to do a gate mod valve on it as well. It's on a...
  14. K

    Jesse's 12g AP w/70 watt Sunpod

    I'm good for Sunday late morning or early afternoon. Let me know.
  15. K

    Jesse's 12g AP w/70 watt Sunpod

    Finally something to look at. Man Eddy did take care of you. The colors are fantastic. Your photography skills aren't to shabby there friend. I can slice off a little piece of that toadstool for you. Let me verify with the little woman that I'm good on Sunday. I'll let you know.
  16. K

    Lots About Liverock (56k warning)

    most likely it is, however you'll have to ask "Big Al".
  17. K

    My First Tank: 12G Cadlight Nano

    Activated carbon does a lot of things, but most importantly it helps to keep your water clear. It does so by removing bad stuff from the water. heavy metals and junk like that. just keep a pouch of it in one of your back chambers and swap it out every few weeks. If you can't get the rock...
  18. K

    Jesse's 12g AP w/70 watt Sunpod

    Still Nothing? I'll be home this Sunday. Do you want me to bring these frags over or do you want to come choose which ones you want? If you don't want them then I'm going to send them up to that guy from Chico.
  19. K

    My First Tank: 12G Cadlight Nano

    The only thing I could really think of right off the bat is activated carbon. Your tank might have come with some, but if not then get granulated and not the pellets. I've heard they are better because of more surface area. Oh yeah.... once you get it up and running you'll want to get some...
  20. K

    my first nano tank

    I wouldn't put LR in the sump if this is an all in one tank. It collects ditrius and makes cleaning difficult. you should have enough LR in the main display for your filtration needs. there are a few ideas in the Do it yourself forum for how to light the back chambers. pretty inexpensive.