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  1. R

    25 Gal Start up

  2. R

    25 Gal Start up

    Thanks for the nice comments. I did have to big bumps. 1) The original 2 clowns died - I got them from a LFS that is fantastic, but all the clowns they got in this batch didn't make it. I called ORA and they said it was likely a bacterial infection that developed during shipping. I waited a...
  3. R

    25 Gal Start up

    Alright, Here's an update. It's a little over 4 months old, and so far-so good I think.
  4. R

    25 Gal Start up

    Alright, it's been what, a month now? Here are some new pics. This tank cycled in like a week - I guess I got lucky. Full tank Shot... not too exciting. But slow and steady is the way to go. I added snails and hermits a couple weeks ago, then some mushrooms and 2 ORA false percs...
  5. R

    25 Gal Start up

    Thanks. It's 21" wide, 16 tall, 18 deep w/ about 4" deep for rear compartment
  6. R

    25 Gal Start up

    Hi, I've had this tank collecting dust for months and finally fired it up over the weekend. I'll be posting pics and progress as it happens. I've been keeping saltwater for close to 10 years and have had a couple of reefs as well. It's been about 2 years since I've had anything so I'm...
  7. R

    Help -Nanocube 12 DX and protein Skimmer / filtration

    Chubosco, I did not mean to cause you alarm. From my personal experience I wouldn't consider calling a tank successful/call the methods and equipment I use successful until well past a year. That is all I meant by the mention of "years." Observations of what works and does not work...
  8. R

    Help -Nanocube 12 DX and protein Skimmer / filtration

    Chubosco, you have a nanocube? how long has it been up for? I feel that a protein skimmer is necessary because I am not personally aware of anyone that has been able to have a successful reef tank using only LR,LS, cleanup critters and refugium/macro. By successful I mean a system that has...
  9. R

    Help -Nanocube 12 DX and protein Skimmer / filtration

    Thanks Reefman. When she's up and running I'll post some pics and info. -the Dog
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    Help -Nanocube 12 DX and protein Skimmer / filtration

    I returned the cube. Some seem to have success with these but I want a skimmer on the back 24/7 I'm getting a 12g with a box in the back with a surface skimmer and to place for heater and remora skimmer. This setup is more expensive, but way better. Woof
  11. R

    Help -Nanocube 12 DX and protein Skimmer / filtration

    Thanks, I'll do that.
  12. R

    Help -Nanocube 12 DX and protein Skimmer / filtration

    Hi All, I just purchased a nanocube 12 DX and need to figure out what protein skimmer will work. Has anyone cut out the back/top of the canopy and put a remora or other quallity hang-on skimmer on one of these? I tried a Prizm a couple of years ago on a different tank and immediately...