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  1. brose

    pH problem

    So, I could've missed the cycle? It's been about 2 weeks and no signs of anything. I just tested today. The people I bought my LR from recommended a solution called Cycle. Has anyone heard of it? I've seen it at Walmart. Would that work and make a quick cycle? My pH is rising by itself...
  2. brose

    pH problem

    Yeah, I learned not to just pour a capful of calcium into the tank. Next time I add calcium, if I add calcium, I'll definitely drip it in very slowly. I'm gonna hope that the instant ocean salt should be enough. Also, yeah I bought fiji pink aragonite sand. I guess it didn't do its job. Well...
  3. brose

    pH problem

    Alex, yeah I figured ocean salt had enough. But I just wanted to add a little extra to try to make things a little better. Live and learn though. I wish the pH would stick around 7.8. That would be closer than 7.4, which is what it's at now. I guess the added calcium somehow lowered the pH...
  4. brose

    pH problem

    Here's a bad pic of how drab the rock has become. You can't really see it, but that red coral algae is usual bright red and not so chalky red.
  5. brose

    pH problem

    Thanks to everybody here for helping me out with all my many previous posts. I have a new problem as of yesterday. I bought some calibration solutions for my digital pH tester and calibrated it correctly. I tested my tank after calibrating and found my tank's pH to be 7.8. I cross checked...
  6. brose

    Light question

    Yeah, I'm sorry. I meant 290 gph. The stock pump is 35W and the MJ1200 is 20W. I emailed current-usa and they actually recommended using a maxi-jet. They said that not all of their customers use the aquapod as a nano reef and not all of them have this problem. A big help anyway :neutral: ...
  7. brose

    Light question

    I bought an aqua-tech 3ph powerhead from walmart as my SW mixing powerhead. It's supposedly certified at 170 gph. Aquapod originally put a stock 190gph powerhead in the tank. Do you guys think 170 is too low for a 24g pod? :???:
  8. brose

    Light question

    Any idea of how to keep the temp down without doing major mods or using more and more electricity?
  9. brose

    Light question

    Does anyone know what kind of corals and zoas I can grow in my 24 gallon aquapod with the standard lighting it comes with? What kind should I stay away from getting? It's a 1x32w SunPaq Dual Daylight & 1x32w SunPaq Dual Actinic. Also, my system is running with zero lighting (for the cycle)...
  10. brose

    Very new newbie

    Does anyone know what kind of corals and zoas I can grow in my 24 gallon aquapod with the standard lighting it comes with? What kind should I stay away from getting? It's a 1x32w SunPaq Dual Daylight & 1x32w SunPaq Dual Actinic. Thanks for the help.
  11. brose

    Salt Question

    Alex, I mentioned it in another post you actually helped me out with a little bit. Remember, I'm getting a 24 aquapod? Here was the link... ... 6283#26283 UPS sucks though. I paid a crapload to have it shipped here by today (monday) but they're...
  12. brose

    Salt Question

    alex, yeah it's a good idea. Houston's only about 1hour and 15 minutes away. But I work often and can't afford to take a trip even on that right now... especially with gas prices of 2.79/gal and after I just spent about $600 on this new setup with everything. I'm broke as ever and stuck in...
  13. brose

    Salt Question

    Yeah I calibrated before the samples. I don't know why but the IO salt I got must have been a bad batch or something. To 25 gallons of distilled water, I've now added 35 gallons worth plus one measuring cup full of IO salt. Maybe distilled water requires more salt for some reason. Jesse...
  14. brose

    Salt Question

    Well, in the past few hours, I've added about six more cups of IO and it seems like it's only slightly dented the salinity. It's up to about 1.019 and it seems like I've added a lot more salt. I'm beginning to worry my refractometer might be defective. It's a brix refractometer so I'm having...
  15. brose

    Salt Question

    Hey guys, I need help bad. My LR's are supposed to be shipped here either monday or tuesday. I've aerated my distilled water for 2 days. I put 25 gallons of distilled water into a 25 gallon tub and added the 25 gallon, 7.5 lb. tub of Instant Ocean salt. I mixed really well and aerated with...
  16. brose

    Very new newbie

    Some other q's i thought of... If I decide to mix my own water, can i just use tap water plus the salt? Would I need to buy another powerhead just for mixing? Can I store premixed water and RO/DI water? If so, for how long? When my water is first set up in my tank and I begin cycling, how...
  17. brose

    Very new newbie

    Tim, thanks for the tip on the heater. I will go with titanium after all. I'll also get you guys' advice when I decide to pick fish, which I understand will be at least about a month away. Alex, are you really happy with your AP? I'd love to see some pics if you have some. One big...
  18. brose

    Very new newbie

    Hey everyone, I've just recently been mesmerized by the saltwater aquarium. I decided I'm willing to give my time and money (hopefully not too much) to this awesome-looking hobby. I have done a nice share of freshwater aquarium keeping, but with minimal knowledge on how the aquarium works...