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  1. M

    Electrical Question-fans...

    Alright all you DIY-er's! How many of those little CPU cooling fans can be run off of one power supply? Also, what power supply should I use...12v? Any imput would be a appreciated. I am setting up a 10 gal w/6x13w pc. The ballasts will be housed in two computer power supply housings, with...
  2. M

    will a 7 watt daylight be ok in a .75 gallon for softies?

    Re: I want to do that too One option would be to pick up a 20 watt NO flourescent ballast at home depot. They go for $3.50 (the only one that price) made by Advance. You can use that ballast to run one 13w Compact Fl. I am currently in the process of a total DIY on a ten gal, and opted...