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  1. S

    sickly fish.

    I am planning to put my other goldfish on a smaller tank, so that he can happily live there by himself, and then condition the 5 gallon tank to go reef.
  2. S

    sickly fish.

    My sick goldfish passed away some time last night. His left side was swollen and his eyes were oversized at time of death. He is survived by the other goldfish, who seems very healthy. I have purchased the new filter, too. It will be installed tonight. Thanks for the advice. I will...
  3. S

    sickly fish.

    i would not really know. This one fish that is lethargic has always been slower and smaller than the other one. He eats less, and at times seems to be blind. (crashes against the plant decor, the glass, and the floor; won't eat unless the food hits him) I haven't really found any...
  4. S

    Newest addition.

    Indeed cute 8pus Steve, how is Freddy the Fish doing?
  5. S

    sickly fish.

    filter... it totally escaped me... will look into that tonight. I don't know the temperature of the water. I know it's cold to the touch, I do not know the exact temperature. Definitely no heater. Guy at LFS said goldfish live in cold water. Previous owner says he has always kept the...
  6. S

    sickly fish.

    I am not sure what type of filtration the tank has. Previous owner said it was up to date, but obviously, it was not. It was a little waterfall thing with something that looks like a filter... I wouldn't know if that is indeed a filter. I did the water change about 1.5 to 2 weeks ago. But I...
  7. S

    sickly fish.

    I have a 5 gallon freshwater tank with two little goldfish. The tank was inherited to me, and when I got it, a third fish had been dead in it for a couple days, and was literally covered in algae. I buried the dead fish, wiped out the algae, and changed about 2/3s of the water. (It was so...