Recent content by venereef

  1. V

    New Nano First Try...

    Jesse I forgot, Do you think it would be better to be without the skimmer for sometime? or you mean permanently? I would like to know how much time can it hold safe without a Water change, I will perform wc of course when really needed. Thanks.
  2. V

    New Nano First Try...

    Hello Jesse, Thanks for the Welcome, Yes, that´s a Maxi J 1200, Besides that I believe the Hot Source is mainly the room/Backyard/City/Country Temperature We have summer almost all year long ; ) I will search for a MJ 900 as you say, Really Thanks for the Help, The lighting is a single...
  3. V

    New Nano First Try...

    Hello Group, I just got together this small 7.5Gallon Tank, Only filtration as you can see is a Remora P.S. However I will try to add a small pump for more circulation, My biggest issue now is temperature, runing at 31 C. (sorry fellows, too lazy to translate Farenheit)... in the midday...